Sunday, March 6, 2011

What I like about being an Army Wife

You can be a wife to a software engineer or a man with a mind in business but its a rare combination of good-looking personality, complex aptitude and a zing to do something for the welfare of the country no matter how small. That makes a woman drawn towards 'The' army man. You begin with the uniform he wears everyday and the shinny brasso on his stars that highlights him and makes an aura around him. Then there is the short haircut he adorns to go through a fuss-free mornings in front of the mirror. All he is bothered about is getting on time.
In the beginning I really didnt understand what it is to be on time. I did get dressed in my best saree to reach the party at sharp 7:45 pm (we usually get to the parties at odd timings cause the senior most officer time is always at  a round figure like 8:00). Then followed by the other officer and wives. Its a great feeling when I see my man stand out in front of everyone. And I know every army wife feels the same.
The ladies meet, an entertainment for all the officers' wives comes once a month and then again another thing you could never get in the civil. One more thing that I like about being an army wife is that I always feel motivated to do my best and be my best and perhaps also look my best. Maybe an inkling of self comparision with the other wives who look great even when they have reached the age of forty and look half their age. The fact that your husband will always (and i mean ALWAYS) look like a cadet just out of the academy also helps when the time comes to go to the gym (Cannot procrastinate then).
Sometimes you also make good friends of varied interests and I feel there is no harm in learning and taking ideas as long as they are not bluffing.
There are a group of senior ladies who have seen a lot of separation during war and their perception of life is different. Something that I learnt when I first came here. We are just supposed to cherish the time we spend with our families. No matter what. And time with your husband is precious. If he is with the regiment, he will be busy and he will show his face twice a day and disappear. Perhaps exasperating at first but I learnt to keep myself busy. It is good that you pick up a hobby or a job and if you feel lonely sometimes then just think that you are not just any other wife but an army wife who stands out in a crowd and your life will always be different.

Note: No offence mean to the civilian and all the wives out there. I know you work equally hard for your families :)


  1. So well versed...m definitely finding words to the way i feel. Hats off to you !!

  2. thx Mrs Khanoria...follow my blog...i think u should start writing too...


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