Saturday, September 12, 2015

Life of homeschooling Mom

8 a.m- Wake up the Targeted Kid
9 a.m- Get dressed and worry why he is not still doing his potty
10 a.m- Busy in the kitchen, making two alternate dishes
11 a.m- Get the books out and catch the running kid into the chair.
11:10- Still trying to catch the target
11:15- Opening books but one hand still holding the kid
11:20- Finally he holds a crayon with laughter in his eyes (Make Me, it says)
11.30- The crayons just flew over the paper and he is just done in five minutes. I give him the picture book but he wants to dig into the eraser now.
11:35- The eraser almost give up its life. I give him a break (Maybe I need one already)
11:45- The standing line and sleeping line get started but then the fascination with the eraser doesn't go. So there is a lot of erasing.
12:00p.m- The picture book gets its due. He looks like JCB and Crane and wants those toys now. He is hungry again though.
12:15- I give him chips and escape to the bathroom instructing him to finish one page of colouring. Inside the bathroom: I am thinking about what's going on outside. Is he already digging into the eraser again? Is he colouring? Did he make a mess. And I am also instructing him that i''ll be out in five minutes. (Holding my breath). There is giggling outside and I am sure he found my bottle of cream.
12:30- I peep outside looking for any disasters only to see him busy with colouring. And he actually finished with excellent results.
Almost done with schooling now and I long to hold my mobile again and Facebook or just browse blogs about parenting (What am I doing wrong?)
I kind of make notes in my mind what to do tomorrow and nothing gets done. There is a lot of running and catching...And making him sit.
Final thoughts: I am really not cut out for this job. 

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